In 1965, Albin Klaut bought a small truck, and three years later, together with his brother Ivan, purchased two 10-tonne trucks to start developing an independent entrepreneurial path at their home address in Šempeter pri Gorici.
In the 1970s, according to their emerging needs, most of the transport operations were carried out for the construction company SGP Gorica. With the opening of a new factory of reinforced concrete structures – ABK, there was a need for extraordinary transports up to 34 meters long. Most of these services were operated by the Klaut brothers throughout the former Yugoslavia.
In the 1980s, they also gradually introduced their sons into the business, who continued the family tradition of transportation. With the successful management of sole proprietorship, their successors in 2001 decided to combine their capacities under the common name Transport Klaut d.o.o. The merging lasted until 2006, and later the company split into two independent companies: Klaut Egon s.p. and Transportation Klaut d.o.o.
In 2009, Klaut Egon s.p. transformed from a sole proprietor into a limited liability company Klaut Egon Ltd., and in 2010 started operating at a new location in Šempeter pri Gorici, where thez built a new office and warehouse space for personal needs. This investment has increased the organization within the company, as the company has a one-stop shop: business premises, storage and transhipment facilities, parking for trucks and employees, a service facility for minor repairs and a fuel pump.
Traffic service:
t +386 5 30 35 777
t +386 8 20 50 997
t +386 41 972 977
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